E Klingel

Eric Klingel

Eric J. Klingel PhD., P.G. is currently with the USArmy Corps of Engineers, Albuquerque District.As a geologist with over 50 years’ experience in hydrogeology, petrology and geothermal exploration developed Mantel, Magmatic and Radiogenic MMRTM gas sampling and analysis techniques used in early geothermal exploration. MMRTM gas techniques along with fracture trace analysis, surface geophysics and petrologic techniques have been used to advance geothermal sources from a geothermal play to a geothermal inferred resource, indicated resource and probable reserves. These techniques have been applied at U.S. and international sites such as: geophysical and geological study of St. Kitts geothermal source phases I, II and III, geothermal exploration in southern Colorado phases I II and III, geothermal exploration project manager Atacama Desert, Chile phases I, II and III, and geothermal exploration project manager Western Anatollia, Turkey.