22 December 2021

Imperial Valley Field Trip

Field Trip Itinerary 

6:30 AM – 7:30 AM         Breakfast

7:30 AM                          Depart from San Diego | Salton Sea Video

10:00 AM -11:30 AM       Arrive in Salton Sea starting with a stop at the Salton Sea by CalEnergy Unit 1 to stretch   and see the Salton Sea. Drive around the CalEnergy Region 1 to see facilities and Lithium project construction. This part of the field trip concludes with a drive to Red Hill Bay passing other CalEnergy facilities and the Sonny Bono Wildlife Refuge. Adventurous participants may choose to climb up Red Hill to appreciate the magnificent view of the area from the top of the rock. 

11:30 AM - 12:30 PM      Lunch and Q&A

                                        Lunch sponsored by Cyrq Energy, EnergySource Minerals and Macquarie Infrastructure                                              Partners

12:30 PM – 1:00 PM       Drive to Hudson Ranch Geothermal Facility

1:00 PM - 2:30 PM          Tour of Hudson Ranch facility (pending approval)

2:30 PM -3:00 PM           Walk around the mudpots by Hudson Ranch

3:00 PM                           Depart for San Diego

As time allows! Stop by the Desert Museum on the way back to San Diego for a quick tour of the geologic areas of the Imperial Valley.

This part of the trip will be cancelled if activities are behind schedule.

6:30 PM - 7:00PM           Arrive back in San Diego

Bus transportation will be provided for all Imperial Valley Field Trip participants. Buses will begin loading 15 minutes prior to the scheduled departure time. All Field Trip participants are required to adhere to the 2021 GRC COVID-19 protocols and procedures – this includes wearing a mask, while on the bus, unless eating or drinking.

*Separate registration required

